New Releases
About 600 Angels Saved My Life
In this book, the Author Renee A. Brown, shares her real-life story with how God graced her life, blessing her with angels, 600 angels to be exact!!! Renee survived colon cancer, compounded by a devastating complete hysterectomy that sent her body chemistry for a spiral that nearly took her life. It was during this traumatic time in her life that God released his angels to guide her and bless her, bringing her through healing and recovery. She encourages the reader through her story, to believe in the true powers of the Lord, because through faith, hope, trust, and the undeniable belief in God all things are truly possible. She believes strongly that if you....Believe it, Receive it, It is Yours!!!
Within this book, the author, Renee A. Brown, does an amazing job of taking the reader on her difficult life-threatening journey of fighting for her life and the acknowledgment that it was the angels in whom God gave charge over her in whom she credits her life’s testimony and this book.
Dr. Angella Banks, Xcellence, Inc.
Being a Christian Minister, I am astonished by this author’s story. A story of courage, hope and faith, that sustained her through adversity, and a medical nightmare, opening her eyes to the heavens above and all of God's glory.
I hope this book will grace your life the way it has mine.
It is a rare must read. A journey where she professes that there are angels all around us, and all you must do is,
Just Believe.
Dr. Jacquala Shropshire
Founder, Let's Talk Kingdom